Sunday, December 22, 2013

Professor Daniel j Okeefe - Craziness in the thermotron family.wmv


-Daniel j O'keefe Thermotron former employee

yes after you leave thermotron-- you will find out -- you didn't mean much to any one there--

but any way -- as every one says -- daniel j okeefe brought a new level of lying and deceite to the industry--

and one of his classic -- frauds -- wat the employee attitude servay at it's completion -- the employee's that gave the wrong answer were drumed out or pink slipped-- and two weeks later they had the biggest hiring promotron of the year to replace the problem employee's

Fred Plont said they got rid of the "dead wood" but that is a lie--because he was still there!!

daniel j o'keefe-- roman catholic liar , deceiver-- and swindler--

a typical roman catholic thermotron former employee

1 comment:

  1. Hil sybesma said Gregory v Johnson controlled thomas bannach with his little finger.and thomas bannach harnessed and libled all his co workers at thermotron. Well, it worked out for me” doesn’t mean anything. If a thief steals from thermotron and benefits from it without ever receiving temporal punishment and then posts in response to someone that’s talking about the teaching of Scripture or the Church on theft that it worked out for them, that’s not an argument. It’s just flagrant admission to doing something wrong and demonstrates a clear lack of remorse for it.
